Welcome to AITP San Diego!

Association of Information Technology Professionals

Join AITP San Diego and Come to our Cybersecurity : The Practictioner's Perspective Event for Free!

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Join San Diego’s leading IT organization! AITP has been supporting the San Diego IT

community for over 60 years. We're a network of San Diego Information Technology

professionals, educators, and students dedicated to expanding education,

professional growth, leadership, and the exploration of issues that face the IT industry.

As a member, you gain access to business and leadership opportunities, networking

functions, monthly forums, online resources and directories, exclusive services, plus

discounts on educational courses, technical certification exams, and more.

Join. Connect. Grow!

Volunteer Opportunities

Looking to be more involved in the I.T. community but not sure how it will fit in your current work schedule?

Are you looking for ways you can build your resume, develop new skills, and make an impact in the I.T. world?

Start now by volunteering at AITP! Our chapter would be NOTHING without the help of our volunteers. To learn more, visit our Volunteers page.

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A New and Improved AITP!

AITP San Diego Community,

Hope you are all safe and well during these unprecedented times. We want to reach out to give you a quick update. AITP is still here and we are taking time to improve our organization to better support the San Diego IT community.

AITP has been supporting the San Diego IT community for over 60 years and we plan to continue these efforts for at least another 60 years.

We recently elected a new board and have several new board members in key positions.

We welcome your input on how AITP would best support your interests and growth, such as topics, speakers, or how often we should meet. We want to make your experience with San Diego AITP meaningful to you and your career path.

Please reach out to us at info@aitpsd.org.

Stay tuned for some upcoming virtual sessions!

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